The Power of Drumming
This BBC article discusses the possible benefits of drumming for mental and physical health and healing. After reading this article, check out too the others listed on that page (upper right-hand side) about use and benefits of music, from listening to music to making music, for patient recovery from a variety of health issues and medical procedures.
The Most-emailed Article at The Sun Magazine
When you see the epigram from Dogen, you know that this article will be about more than "How to Bury a Dog."
Caregiving - Illuminated by Gail Sheehy
Remember Gail Sheehy, who wrote The Silent Passage and Passages, among other books that brought the psychological and physical experience of human life stages and transitions into the light of day? She is now working with AARP to articulate the journey, or labyrinth, as she calls it, of adult caregiving. After going through her own journey as a caregiver to her husband, she set out to observe, research, and record the many ways that people around the country are dealing with adult caregiving. Her videos, along with her journals (posted weekly throughout 2009), about the families she interviews are accessible from her main AARP webpage.
Strategies for Retirement: from Money to Purpose to Lifestyle
If you haven't already, check out the New York Times section on Retirement. You'll find articles about strategies for maximizing Social Security benefits and dealing with sagging investments, as well as articles describing a diversity of people's choices: postponing retirement by working longer or seeking part-time employment once retired, enrolling in college degree programs before and after retirement, and volunteering in national parks, to name a few.